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Learning design
Visual design
2D animation
3D animation
Aerial videography
Live action
Tailored learning
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Health & Safety
First Aid & Medical
Human Resources
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Learning design
Visual design
2D animation
3D animation
Aerial videography
Live action
Tailored learning
2D animation
Learn in a new way with 2D animation and motion graphics. Dive into the details of processes and discover educational animations.
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Animation in learning
Extend the life of your learning with educational motion graphics to engage and inspire your learners.
Simplify complex concepts
Use animation to break down complex concepts into smaller parts, helping learners visualise and better understand your business.
Personalised learning
Custom-tailored animation is a great tool to communicate your organisation and team’s unique learning concepts.
Anything is possible
Animation gives you the freedom to demonstrate whatever you need without worrying about real-world limitations or constraints.
Accessible & adaptable
Make learning easier for a wider audience by accommodating different learning styles, impairments and languages.
Tell your story
Weave a narrative through your learning approach to improve information retention and keep your learners engaged for longer.
Flexible & cost-effective
We offer a variety of animation options, ranging from simple to complex productions, that can effectively convey your message.
Easy to update
Share your learning faster with shorter production and distribution, and stay relevant with quick updates.
Diverse & inclusive
Represent diverse perspectives and experiences from a variety of backgrounds and cultures to create meaningful learning for your team.
Your journey
Our process
Concept & strategy
Visual design & asset creation
Production & development
Sound design incl. music & voice over
Release & deliver
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Start your journey
Kick-start your learning journey with 2D animation and a range of services tailored to meet your training needs.
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